Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Blog About Human Suffering

Another standard class itinerary.

7:00-7:30 Wait for the teacher to arrive.

7:30-7:40 Brief discussion of whether our test will be next Monday or Wednesday, and whether it will be first or last that day, depending on the day.

7:40-7:50 Lecture

7:50-9:00 Review for test by reading the same list we read last week, then going over homework.*
*SIX basic algebra questions. For ONE hour.

Sample interaction...
STUDENT: I wasn't here, can I get that homework?
TEACHER: I don't think I have any extra copies, I'm so sorry.
*STUDENT asks classmate to borrow their homework; begins copying it.*
*TEACHER (sloooowly) continues to rifle through her briefcase and desk.*
TEACHER: I didn't come from home today. So I don't have it. Usually I have a folder. It was with me last time. But you missed the class. I'm so sorry. Maybe you can get it from another student, and borrow it.
*STUDENT, five steps ahead, ignores her, continues copying homework.*
TEACHER: You can borrow it from your lab partners. Or if they won't give it to you, that is not good. You need good lab partners. But I don't have it, so maybe get it from another student. Then you can copy it, and get it that way.
*TEACHER continues rifling*
*STUDENT finishes copying, returns worksheet to owner*
OTHER STUDENTS (watching this whole time, unspoken): Kill us.

9:00-9:05 Explanation of how important it is to attend chemistry class. You see, chemistry is not like history, where you can read a book and know the information. You have to come to class to watch it come alive. And if you miss one class, it's like building a house, but you are missing a brick. In short, house of cards, people, house of cards.

9:05-9:15 Lecture

9:15 Students explain to teacher that class is over at 9:30, not 10:00, because today's post-Easter "Classes operate on Monday schedule" means that class not only takes place in the Monday classroom, it takes place at the Monday times. Class dismissed.

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