Sunday, February 10, 2008

Deep Breaths

So this is late because I had to spend precious me time "breaking up" with someone I met three weeks ago. Along with enrolling in college, I apparently signed up for college-era problems. Retarded.

Lab this week was more than I ever could have imagined as far as how mind-numbing it would be to be in school again—and it lived down to all my expectations for community college. I began doing the lab project assigned in the book. Halfway through, our teacher modified it. Let me let the project speak for itself:

We were supposed to dump an unknown amount of water in three different cylinders and measure it, with the resulting measurements varying based on how precisely each cylinder was marked. Okay? Great. By the end, our assignment was to:
1. Pour 100 mL of water into a cylinder
2. Measure how much water is now in the cylinder
The end.

Obviously there were not the correct amount of spaces for anything on our worksheets, because the assignment made no sense. And we supposedly get marked down if we cross any answers off on our worksheet (no word on what happens if we leave parts blank because they don't match the instructions). But as it'd be more complicated to explain that and risk making everyone in class re-do the actual experiment, I tried to breathe deeply and practice patience for the greater good. See how caring I am?? I'm going to be an amazing nurse!

Also she took attendance out loud. True story. Oh, and the Russian girl in class is named Svetlana, obviously.

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