Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fun Game

So here is a good project to occupy you on road trips and the like. All you do is invent a ridiculous murder, then come up with the corny pun-like line that David Caruso will say when he finds the victim right before the opening credits.

Like maybe there's a shootout at a massage parlor and the ME is telling Horatio that it looks like it might be a front for some other type of business, or maybe it's a body and some bruising is starting to indicate that maybe the person got too hard a massage and hours later their spleen ruptured and they died while on a rollercoaster, and Khandi Alexander goes "Who would do such a thing?" and David Caruso goes, "Ah, there's the rub."

So one I would like to see, and it's not really a pun, but it's a rhyme I learned and I sure would like to hear David Caruso say it, is where there's a body washed up shore, except some pieces are missing (or disheveled or something), probably due to pelican interference. And David Caruso goes, "What a strange bird is the pelican. For its beak [puts on sunglasses] can hold more than its belly can."

Your turn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm loving it.