Monday, September 29, 2008

Absolutely Disgusting

Yesterday I was walking and I could feel the fat around my right femur start to slosh around every time I took a step. I think my body is atrophying.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Idiots Spring Eternal

I went to an information session last week. Even though I'm probably not going to school until Fall 2010, doing that makes it seem sort of real. I went to one at an Ivy League school in January, before I started my first class, just as kind of a first step in actually doing something about this alleged goal of mine. (Am I like the best life coach or what?!)

Anywho, the nice ladies at my alma mater (now my top choice because they pointed out that they have inter-semester study sessions in Italy; I'd forgotten about that resource from my time as an undergrad and didn't even consider that the nursing program could take advantage) spent an hour going over all the admissions and curriculum requirements. I was familiar with all of this from my OCD reading of the website but still, good info.

Then? The Q&A session. Q&A about the specific nursing program, that is.

"You said there's a nursing shortage. Why is that?" Sigh. The lady answered. The questioner shared. "Oh yeah because I went to the hospital once and told the guy I was like going into nursing and he said to please, because it's really really bad there aren't enough people." GOOD QUESTION.

Then another lady raised her hand and asked, "I'm an RN, so what are the opportunities for me here?" Um.... "And there are prerequisites?" Um..... please see first hour of presentation for reference. "And also so how do I apply?" I mean this went on and on and on and had already been answered. She sucked.

Still, it kinda makes me think yes, I should definitely just take out loans and go to an expensive school where at least I'll be with smart-ish people than go to some local school and spend an intense 16 months with the likes of my community college class. Yes? No? Thoughts?


So last week I wasn't allowed to watch TV (except for what I'd DVRd, okay) or do work and I suddenly found myself with a lot more time.

So I immediately devoted all that anxiety and obsessive behavior to researching and re-researching nursing programs and reading nurse blogs. These are my two favorites:

Musings of a Highly Trained Monkey

Adventures of GuitarGirl RN
(she used to be an editor and fact-checker and now is a nurse)

Of course, those two are ER/acute-care nurses and reading them raises my blood pressure.

I also found two hospice nurse blogs that didn't exist in January:

Dethmama Chronicles

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Remember this alert?

Well, I found Squooshy. Like this.

Spoiler alert: Face-down in a trash can is NOT where a stuffed platypus is supposed to be.

Quite an accident, huh?


Yeah it's bad times, guys. I'm thinking I might have to give up TV, so that I can go to sleep earlier and wake up and exercise. Or at least just go exercise instead of watching garbage like The Locater. (True story.) But I'm so not ready. Only Jeff VanVonderen could convince me that it's time, and HE RELAPSED which brings me to my next point: Why bother? I worked out 4 times a week for two years and it's not like it helped my life.

I'm going running now but if my knees explode, you'll know why. I had to stop doing situps because my muscles couldn't contract around all the stomach that was in the way.

Also my bathroom sink keeps randomly filling up with water and then re-draining, leaving behind what can best be described as bloody mucus. So if you are looking for a renewable source of someone else's bloody mucus, you should totally come by.

Good Morning Indeed!

Here's what the fellow in Duane Reade was buying the other morning:
* Large box of Skyn Condoms
* Generic brand personal lubricant, 8 oz. bottle
* Two boxes enemas
* Cheerios
* Milk