Saturday, May 3, 2008

For Gentleman—The Truth About Your Quirky Date Idea

Something about my awesomitude inspires men go above and beyond and really try to impress me with their fun, unexpected, outside-of-the-box date ideas. What that boils down to is that four of the last five guys I've dated have asked me to go bowling. Real friggin original, fellas.

And just FYI, knowing that you think of me as "quirky" is about as complimentary as telling a girl she has a "great personality" or a "pretty face." When will they invent an emoticon for flipping the bird? Cuz it goes right here.

Though maybe they only ask me this because I wear the outfit in the picture to the right.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

come on, it could be worse -- they could be asking you to paint pottery with them or go geo-caching deep in the heart of Staten Island, right? And you need to come up with that emoticon. It's a vital one